Ripley Council #2374
This is the page for the KofC in the southern half of Brown County.
Members can visit this page to keep up with activities in the council.
Visitors can visit this page to find out how to join us.

Regular KofC meetings are held Monthly on the second Monday of the month. 6:30pm Rosary; 7pm Meeting.
Location: St. George; Georgetown, OH Parish Hall
Officers - 2023
Grand Knight - Andy Schneider
Deputy Grand Knight - Ralph Benson
Special Announcements:
November 2023 Meeting will be held at Lake Waynoka Community Center. There will be a Rosary at 6:30pm. A short meeting followed by a dinner and informational session for any men interested in joining the Knights of Columbus. We will also be drawing the winning tickets for the KofC Sportsman's Raffle. Please call:
Ripley Council GK - Andy at (513) 706-6694 -or- Fayetteville Council GK Denny at (513) 543-5680
for details.